Wednesday 12 October 2016

Should I run fast or run long and slow?

The need to run


Running is the most common exercise which is part of every fitness routine. In the armed forces, it is stressed upon a lot besides other core exercises. For others, running is accepted as the best and easiest way to get back in shape, that is, if you manage to convince yourself to go for it regularly :) 

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The benefits of running include, but are not limited to-

(i) Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

(ii) Reduced risk of high blood pressure

(iii) Better brain and lung functions and increase in good cholesterol

(iv) Uplifts your mood


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Fast or slow?

Now that you have decided to run, the question might arise- “How should I run, fast and short distances OR long distances at a slower pace?” That’s a legitimate query. There are types of running with their own advantages and disadvantages. One must know about these.

Sprinting or running at a faster pace for relatively short distances (yes, that’s when you give your 90% and above) helps you build strength, increases your anaerobic capacity and adds to your leg speed. When you run fast, you burn calories faster. However, it uses the carbohydrates for the energy. The reason behind this is that the amount of oxygen required to get a unit of calorie from the carbohydrates is lesser than required in case of getting the same unit of calorie from stored fat. As your body works hard it gets low on oxygen supply and hence takes carbs as energy source. Running fast also causes dehydration, muscle microtear etc. Therefore, adequate recovery time should be given between running sessions.

Slow running has its own advantages and disadvantages. Unlike sprinting, slow running doesn’t burn calories as fast. However it consumes more fat, so longer the duration of slow run (jogging) more fat it burns and that’s one of the biggest advantage of slow running. It also avoids a good amount of muscle tear. In a way the gentle and continuous strain given by it helps to repair the muscle tear faster. Also, it helps boost your mood and increases your confidence in general. It is much more valuable in endurance training.

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The solution


Hence it becomes very clear that for athletes, a mix of these running techniques works wonders in increasing their capacity, strength and reduce the risk of injury. For those who have to run for fat burning or maintain shape and burn the fat, slow running or jogging is the answer.

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