Sunday 23 October 2016

This is the reason why Indians should stop alcohol

“You’re not a man or a grown up if you don’t drink”… comments like these are used to encourage non drinkers to start consuming alcohol here. Some present with the list of ‘benefits’ of alcohol like reduction of the risk of heart disease, feeling warm, sense of pleasure etc. Then you start to think, is it really THAT bad as you hear? Then you get to hear that it damages liver and other organs, affects psychological health and increases risk of dying. This is confusing! “Nevermind I’ll join my friends.. “and there one more added to the list! :)

Don’t you think there has to be some answer? It is, thankfully. Let's understand what it actually does first.

What does alcohol actually do?


Well the affect is mixed, drinking alcohol may offer some health benefits, especially for your heart. On the other hand, too much alcohol may increase your risk of health problems and damage your heart. 

Excessive alcohol use can cause the pancreas to produce toxic substances that interfere with proper functioning.

It travels throughout the body easily and affects the nervous system affecting coordination, impulse control and in the long run damaging the nervous system.

It has disastrous effects on the digestive system. It reduces its power to absorb nutrients leading one to become malnourished.

Alcohol abuse leads to erectile dysfunction in men.

Muscles and bones become weak.

Immune system is affected and finds it difficult to fight against viruses and bacteria.

As mentioned earlier it has some benefits too-

Harvard University found that "moderate amounts of alcohol raises levels of high-density lipoprotein, HDL, or 'good' cholesterol and higher HDL levels are associated with greater protection against heart disease.

Carnegie Mellon University found that moderate alcohol consumption led to a decrease in common cold cases.

Results of a Dutch study showed that healthy adults who drink one to two glasses per day have a decreased chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

The disadvantages clearly outweigh the benefits. So if you are a non-drinker, don’t start drinking for the sake of ‘benefits’ at all. If you have to reduce the risk of heart disease, improve your heart health by eating a healthy diet and exercising, which have more robust research behind them.

It is ALWAYS harmful for Indians


If you notice the researches done for the benefits were done in western universities. So it would be better if we see what the studies at home say.
A research done by AIIMS and few other health organisations on 8000+ subjects has revealed that unlike western nations, there were more risks, leave alone the benefits, even with moderate consumption of alcohol, in the Indians.

The study categorised drinkers in three brackets -- heavy drinkers (who consumed more than 28 grams per day), moderate drinkers (14-28 grams per day) and light drinkers (less than 14 grams a day).

While light drinkers had a 40% greater risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) compared to non-drinkers, the chances were as high as 60% among moderate drinkers and nearly 100% in heavy drinkers.


Why does it affect differently to Indians?


There are two main reasons-

Genetic- There may be heterogeneity in effect of alcohol on CHD in different ethnicities and the protective effect may be absent or more modest in populations other than that in Mediterranean or South Europeans.

Drinking pattern- Drinking patterns may account for the difference in results. In particular, Mediterranean drinking patterns are characterised by the use of daily constant amounts of alcohol mainly in the form of wine which has been associated with protection against CHD as compared to irregular heavy or binge drinking that provides no favourable effect on CHD. Indians particularly known to do binge drinking.

To drink or not, it always your decision and now you are more enlightened when you go and take your next drink. If you prefer being the non-drinker, you can tell the person convincing you with the benefits it NEVER benefits Indians.

Image source: Google Images
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